ÑвелиÑиÑÑ Ð Ð²Ð¾Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð´:
digraph G { rankdir=LR; label="The scheme of mailing system of the organization"; node [shape=plaintext, fontname="Verdana", fontsize=8]; edge [arrowsize=1, color=black, fontname="Verdana", fontsize=8]; /* nodes */ internet [shapefile="cloud.png", label="ÐнÑеÑнеÑ"]; firewall [shapefile="firewall.png"]; mta1 [shapefile="server-mail.png"]; mta2 [shapefile="server-mail.png"]; mta3 [shapefile="server-mail.png"]; mta4 [shapefile="server-mail.png"]; filter [shapefile="server-contentfilter.png"]; database [shapefile="server-database.png"]; cl1 [shapefile="computers.png"]; cl2 [shapefile="computers.png"]; cl3 [shapefile="computers.png"]; /* relationships */ internet -> mta1 [label="smtp", dir="both"]; mta1 -> firewall [label="smtp", dir="both"]; firewall -> mta2 [label="smtp", dir="both"]; firewall -> mta3 [label="smtp", dir="both"]; mta2 -> cl1 [label="mapi", dir="both"]; mta2 -> mta4 [label="x400", dir="both"]; mta2 -> filter [label="smtp"]; mta4 -> cl2 [label="mapi", dir="both"]; filter -> database [label="net8", dir="both"]; mta3 -> cl3 [label="mapi", dir="both"]; }
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