среда, 3 октября 2007 г.

grizzlydan: Assorted stuff

As some of you are already aware, my dad has gifted us with a time-share arrangement up in the BFE wilderness of western North Carolina, 30 minutes from anywhere civilized, for our anniversary. We are already looking eagerly forward to the peace, tranquility, hiking, reading time, time away from the computer (gulp) . . .ahem, and all that. There is no AC or TV, but then who needs AC in western NC in late October? It's called the windows. Also, shift bids have come around here again. This time, I'm number 11(!!!). That's the good news. The bad news is the M-F slots are few and far between this time because of contracts ending and call volume returning to sanity. So I may or may not be able to hang on to my cushy 9-6 M-F slot. I hope the only change is returning to a later shift instead of an earlier one which are very scarce. I will avoid having to work weekends again as best I can, but surely a number that low will prevent that. I gave blood yesterday. The bloodmobile pulled right up to our office and siphoned us. I must remember to drink more liquids next time as my caffeine-heavy morning diet made my flow rather slow toward the end. So, to the A- victim out there somewhere, you're welcome to the blood and the slight buzz. Go forth and be good to somebody, y'all.

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